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Q: How fast does it take for Platies to breed?
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Will platies breed in a tank with other platies if there are different types of fish in the tank?


Can sunset platies and Mickey Mouse platies interbreed?

They are colour variations of the same species and will breed with one another with no problems.

How do you cross breed fish?

You cant cross breed fish that are different species unless theyre really really closely related, like swordtails and platies. To breed them just put a male and a female together and hope that they breed.

What kind of fish should you breed and is non-aggressive freshwater.?

Guppies, Mollies, Swordtails, Platies, umm.... Look it up

What small breed of fish are generally used as feeder fish?

Guppies, mollies, platies, swordtails, ghost shrimp (though not a fish) and comets (though they aren't a small breed) are the most common types.

What Fish Breed in a Community Tank?

Guppies and platies breed REALLY easy- put them together, soon u got an overstocked aquarium. Apple snails do the same thing, African dwarf frogs do too but need special conditions. Tetras will breed if pH is lowered.

How fast do dittos breed in soulsilver?

Dittos breed fairly fast with themselves. With others, it depends heavily on what Pokemon you are breeding it with. Rarer Pokemon take much longer than the average Bidoof does. It depends on what Pokemon you are breeding it with entirely.

How do you bree platy fish?

You breed platies by putting a male and female together and they should mate in their own time. When buying your platies ( i am telling you from experience) look at a female that you like though also try to find a pregnant one so your will have fry soon. if it is pregnant there is a chance that she will have more broods without having to mate again for a while.

A fish tank has 9 goldfish 6 tetras 5 snails and 2 platies what is the ratio of tetras to platies?


How much platies can you fit in a 40liter tank?

i what to get some platies , guppies and mollies but how many can i fit a 40 litre tank

Why do platies eat their young?


Do platies eat their young?
