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Q: How fast is a plane going while flying in the air?
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How fast is a plane going if it is flying at Mach 3?

It is flying 3 times the speed of sound. Agreed. 2,300 mph at sea level

How long does it take to travel 210 miles by plane?

The answer depends on how fast the plane is flying.

How long does it take to travel 744 miles?

It depends on how fast you are going. If you are walking, it could take weeks. If you are flying a plane, it may only be hours.

How long is a flight from Australia to Chile?

It depends how fast the plane is flying

If a plane in flying 500 meters above the ground and it has to dump its fuel how long does it take the fuel to reach the ground?

It will take A while, Like maybe, 5 minutes,,,, But it would more likely evaporate into the air before it reached the ground. that would probably depend on how fast the plane is going

How fast will a commercial plane take to get to New Zealand?

This would depend entirely on the country from which the commercial plane was flying.

How many hours does it take a plane to travel 6751 miles?

That's really going to have something to do with how fast the plane is flying. If the plane is a Boeing 737 covering ground at 400 mph, then (6,751 / 400) = 16.88 hours of flying time, not counting refueling stops. If the plane is a Cessna 172 covering ground at 120 mph, then (6,751 / 120) = 56.26 hours of flying time, not counting refueling and pit stops.

What is the flight time for a 747 from Riga Latvia to Dubai?

Depends on how fast the plane is flying.

How fast was the plane going when it hit the pentagon?

The plane was going at 402 miles an hour full speed at the pentagon.

A plane traveling at a constant speed is able to travel 750 miles in 5 hours How fast is the plane flying?

150 MPH

How fast to planes go?

usually it depends on where you are going if you are going to France from England the aircraft should travel approximately at 500/550 mph. if you are on a longer flight from England to Australia usually 600 mph. An interesting addition to this question is how slow can a plane go? RAAF pilots at their airforce base in South Australia can land planes while flying backwards. Into a strong headwind the plane can be kept airborn and can be landed while moving backwards.

How long does it take to fly 900 mi?

You would need to know how fast the plane is flying to calculate that.