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100 degrees Celsius over the next billion years is what I read when searching the same question.

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Q: How fast is the interior of the earth cooling down?
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How are the 2 types of igneous rock made?

They are either made through the fast cooling of lava, or the slow cooling if magma in the Earth.

Which is fomed by fast cooling lava--pumice granite or basalt?

Pumice is the result of extremely fast cooling lava.

Why do earthquake waves travel fast in the crust but slowest in the interior of the earth?

Earthquake waves travel fastest in the interior of the Earth, as speed of waves increases as we go inside the Earth. The speed of a wave depends on the properties of the medium it travels in. The wave propagates faster in the denser and heavier core.

When somthing is heated how does it cool down?

when something is heated the particles are moving very fast and then has it cools down (and heat releases into the air) particles begin to slow down, which means theyre cooling down.

How fast does the sun go down?

the sun does not go downvthe earth rotates.

Does fast cooling causes small grains?

Yes. Fast cooling of magma causes small crystal size or no crystal at all.

How will cooling affect maple syrup crystal size?

Fast cooling=small crystals Slow cooling=big crystals

What are Asteroids marked by?

Craters and fast cooling

Is basalt cooled slowly?

In reference to the cooling of magma into rock, basalt is formed from rapid cooling.

What effect does a fast cooling rate have on grain size in igenous rocks?

Fast cooling lava or magma creates an aphanitic or small crystal (grain) textured igneous rock.

How can you tell if a rock cooled fast or slow?

You would examine a fracture surface of the rock. Intrusive igneous rocks that have cooled very slowly underground have visible crystals and are said to have a phaneritic texture. Granite is an example of this type of rock. Extrusive igneous rocks that have cooled quickly from lava above or on the surface generally will have crystals too small to be visible with the naked eye, in a texture that is referred to as aphanitic. Obsidian is an example of this type of rock.

Why don't we swirl off the earth as it rotates fast?

Because gravity holds us down!