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A quick brushing weekly will suffice.

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Q: How frequent should you get your German Shepherd's teeth cleaned?
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Related questions

What is a Sable German Shepherd?

you should look up "sable German Shepherds" on google images. Sable German Shepherds, are normally one colour all over, colour can be cream to a medium tan.

Are German Shepherds good house pets?

German Shepherds are great pets to have around. They obey and they are good guard dogs. You should get a German Shepherd ! The only bad thing is that they sometimes bite when they play and they shed.

What can be done for German Shepherds when they have cyles?

You should not treat her any differently to when she isn't on one.

How is a German shepherds environment?

German Shepherds tend to need lots of space to run around, though they are not as active as Labs. In order to keep them healthy, they should get a daily walk. If you don't have an active lifestyle, a German Shepherd wouldn't be the best pet for you.

How do you get your german shepherds ears to stay up?

They should do so by their own, if not don't worry. Its fine.

What is a German shepherds netural behavior?

A healthy GSD should be alert, loyal and affectionate. Suspicious of noises and a natural barker.

How tall can a German Shephed get?

I've had two German Shepherds for companions in my entire life, and I've seen countless other adult German Shepherds. One of my neighbors bred German Shepherds. Typically, a German Shepherd should be between 2-3 feet tall from paw to head standing on all fours. Standing on their hind legs (which no German Shepherd should do for prolonged amounts of time, because of hip joint problems the origin of which is hidden somewhere in their breeding, keep this in mind whilst training a German Shepherd to do certain tricks), they can be between 3-4 feet tall. This is merely a rough estimation, but I hope it helped.

What do German Shepherds drink?

Dogs should only drink clean water, or if they are young puppies, they should drink their mother's milk. If the mother has abandoned the puppies, sometimes they are given a special puppy formula.

Is there a difference between Belgian malinois and german shephered?

Yes. These are two separate breeds of dog. Although they bear a superficial resemblance, the German shepherd is usually taller, heavier, and bigger-boned than the malinois. German Shepherds are easier to handle than Malinios. Before getting a malinios, people should study their characteristics. They are more stubborn than German shepherds.

How long would 33 pounds of dog food last a German Shepard?

A while. But German shepherds who are growing should hve two to three cups a day, depending on what your vet says. Their large dogs.

What are some good breeders for German Shepherds close to Reno NV?

You should type in breeders for that area into Google. I would give you the link but it isn't allowed.

Should German Shepherds nurse right away?

Nurse the pups? A female should clean and eat the placenta around the pup and then start licking it too get him/her breathing. She will then get ready to birth the next pup.