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Lions are not friendly animals at all. The lions may look friendly while in zoos, but can kill a person in just a few seconds.
They are generally not well known for their friendly demeanor Many wouldn't think twice before ripping you to shreds. Ones in captivity can be friendlier than wild ones though!!

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Q: How friendly are Lions?
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Can lions eat mankind?

Yes, but generally they will not do it intentionally. Scientists reckon that lions only attack humans in friendly play or when they feel threatened; but humans are not considered as lions prey.

Are lions friendly?

yea.. lions do have enemiesLions do not have any enemies besides man. No are not predators that will go after lions. They are at the top of the food chain.

Are the mom lions bigger than the dad lions?

No. Male lions, and therefor all father lions, are, as a general rule, are considerably larger than female lions (mother lions).

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Lions can't be pets. People don't have lions as pets. Lions belong in the zoo. Lions are wildcats. Only at home cats can be as pets. Lions are from the African Jungle.

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Do lions live Australia?

Lions are indigenous to Africa. Other than the lions in the zoo, lions do not live in Australia.

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Lions are from Africa, they are a member of the big cats and the collective noun for the tiger is a pride of lions

Who are predators to lions?

Except humans and male lions, there are no major predators for the lions

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it is lions, tigers, and bears