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Q: How fst will a gallon of water a day clean thc out your system?
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How many gallons does it take to flush your system or clean out your urine?

1 gallon a day

If you drink a gallon of water a day dp you pee a gallon a day?

No, some of the water is absorbed into the body.

Can water clean your system of pills?

No i suggest you take more than 4 Valium a day;)

How do you get marijuana out fast?

In some smokeshops you can find cleansing drinks that can clean it out of your system in a day. the only other way is to drink gallons of water every day to the point ur pissing water and hope your clean

How much water should you drink per day to clean your urine of THC when your test is in 2 days and you smoked 3 times this past weekend and daily a month before?

drink a gallon or more of water a day.

How much water should be included in an emergency kit?

A gallon of water per person per day

How much is a gallon in math?

8 glasses of water a day is a gallon 64 ounces is a gallon

How many gallons of water cleans your system?

Need More to CleanseNo. You need lots of exercise, one gallon of water a day, and to eat cranberries. It will metabolize the drugs two times as fast, assuming it is a urine test.

Can the kola nut clean your system of THC?

Yes absolutely it will clean you out in about 3 days but you have to drink about 2 gallons of water a day for the best results

How many liters of water do you use a day?

about 1 gallon a day

How do you clean out your system for incense weed?

Here's what you do:Drink one gallon of distilled water per day. Alternate this with 2 ounces of apple cider vinegar. Eat asparagus at every meal with two glasses of cranberry juice. Continue this for a minimum of thirty days. After thirty days, your urine will be clean, provided you do not use in that time.If you are facing a hair test, perform this ritual for six months.There is nothing that will "clean your system" except time.Well along with not smoking pot, you can drink 8+ glasses of water, running for 45 mins a day along with drinking apple cider vinegar

How do you clean your system out of weed in one day if i weight 93 lbs?

Drink as much water as u can at least 20 water bottles in 3 hour