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Strong enough to defeat any unit and base, if you can afford one, just send it after an orbital strike and it's done. It does ~400 per hit so the enemy base won't last long.

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Q: How great are super soldiers in age of war?
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How do you beat age of war?

Keep buying the most powerful monster that you can get. Also use your special power-up at times when enemy spawns are at their most. When you come to the final evolutionary age (future powerful weapons) only buy the war machine. Spend wisely, as you will also need 4 ion blasters. Wait 'till you have enough money to buy 4 super soldiers and attack with the 4 super soldiers and you will win.

Are the waffen ss better soldiers?

Yes, the SS soldiers were better, probably because they were super committed to Hitler and his war-making.

What was the age of soldiers in word war 2?

18 plus or something

What was the average age for soldiers to join up in World War 1?

107.5 years of age :P

What jobs did the soldiers have during the Civil war?

Soldiers during the Civil War had a great many jobs. They had to drive vehicles and maintain weapons for example.

Did soldiers use vaccine in World War 1?

In the WW1, also known as The Great War there were no vaccines or proper medical care given to the soldiers.

Average age of enlisted gulf war soldier?

The average age of enlisted Gulf War soldiers was around 24 years old.

What were Spartan boys trained to become from a young age?

soldiers preparing for a war

How many Great Britain Soldiers died in World War 2?

400,000 british soldiers died in ww2