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This really depends on your own opinion. Personally I believe that they shouldn't feel very guilty as they were only helping Romeo and Juliet with the choices they made. The Nurse even stopped supporting Juliet after Romeo was banished and suggested she should marry Paris, although this did mean Juliet was left alone.

Friar Lawrence advised both of them before he married them that it was moving along to fast and he shouldn't feel guilty about Juliet's death since he did arrive in time to save her and he did try to convince her to leave the tomb with him and even if he didn't try very hard, Juliet still made the decision to end her own life.

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Q: How guilty should the Nurse and Friar Lawrence feel at the end of Romeo and Juliet?
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How is friar Lawrence and the nurse similar and difference?

In Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence and the Nurse are similar in that they both assist Juliet and Romeo in their marriage. They both also act as something of a caretaker to their respective charges: the Friar to Romeo and the Nurse to Juliet. The two are different because the Nurse resides in the same household as Juliet, while the Friar lives a ways away from Romeo. The Friar also has other motives besides the happiness of his charge when he assists Romeo in his marriage. Friar Lawrence hopes that the marriage of Romeo to Juliet will stop the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues. The most obvious difference is the gender of themselves and their charges.These are only a few of the many similarities and differences between Friar Lawrence and the Nurse. Shakespeare has written the two to be some of the most important supportingcharacters in the play.

What information does Romeo letter give?

If you are referring to the letter Friar Lawrence gave to Friar John to send to Romeo, then it contained all the information about Juliet's death and what was really going on. It told Romeo to come to the Capulet Morgue (or whatever it's called) and meet him for the awakening of Juliet.

In Romeo and Juliette how do the friar's motives differ from the couple's motives?

Originally the Friar did not want to marry the 'Star cross'd lovers'(Prolouge) Because Romeo had only just got over Rosaline, therefore he thought Romeo was being to hasty. Another reason that the Friar was cautious when marrying the couple was that by law you have to announce a church wedding a few weeks before so that people can object, therefore because he could not do this he is risking his job and position in society. The Friar married the couple in the end in the hope of ending the feud between the two family's, his plan worked however it was under different circumstances that it worked. The familys only united once the two lovers were dead and only found out about there marrige once this had happened.

Which statement is a fact in this passage?

The piece of a passage that can be described as factual is the part based on facts. It can be proven and or is based off truth.

What advice does Friar Laurence give Romeo?

he urges romeo to leave town and then gives Juliet a potion that will cause her to look dead for a couple of hours then romeo came along........thinking that Juliet was dead he drank a deadly potion and dies........later when Juliet wakes up she finds her true love dead beside her so in repribution she uses his dagger to kill herself so they will stay together forever.. from s.g.h.s year thirteen

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Friar Lawrence was guilty of marrying Romeo and Juliet in secret, giving Juliet the potion to fake her death, and not communicating his plans effectively to Romeo, which ultimately led to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

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Friar Lawrence married Romeo and Juliet in his cell.

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Romeo, Juliet, and Friar Lawrence are in Friar Lawrence's cell.

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Romeo goes to friar Lawrence about marrying Juliet

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The Nurse and Friar Lawrence knew about it before anyone else because the Friar performed the marriage and the Nurse was Juliet's close confidant so she told her everything.

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Friar Laurence performs the marriage. Hope this helps! :)

Why does romeo seek friar Lawrence after being with Juliet?

He wants Friar's help to marry Juliet and himself.

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Juliet, Romeo, Tybalt, Nurse, Benvolio Or . . . Juliet, Romeo, Friar Lawrence, Nurse, Capulet Or . . . Juliet, Romeo, Friar Lawrence, Capulet, Tybalt Or . . . Juliet, Romeo, Capulet, Mercutio, Tybalt Or basically Romeo and Juliet and any three of Nurse, Friar, Capulet, Mercutio, or Tybalt.

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Friar Lawrence wants Romeo to do different things depending on what part of the play you are talking about. When they first meet, the friar tells Romeo to go slowly in his relationship with Juliet (as if!).

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It was both Romeo's and Juliet's idea to marry eachother.

Who should be blamed for the death of Romeo and Juliet in 200 words?

In my opinion, Friar Lawrence is guilty for Romeo and Juliet's death. I think he is guilty because he married Romeo and Juliet. He gave Juliet the potion, and because he didn't get the message to Romeo, I think that he should have met up with Romeo on the outside of Capulet's tomb. Or maybe he could of gone to Mantua and met with Romeo face to face.

What is Juliet prepared to do if Friar Lawrence does not help her?

Juliet is prepared to take her own life if Friar Lawrence does not help her avoid marrying Paris.