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Q: How hard is a spinosaurus skin?
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Is it hard to get a spinosaurus card?

In Dinosaur King, It is veryyy rare. so therefore it is hard to get

What are the survivor skills of the Spinosaurus?

well i think spinosaurus claws were main weapon its survivor skill, also we look in jaws of spinosaurus, seeing good hold muscles but not strong so spinosaurus jaws was used for grip prey rather than rip or tear off flesh so he used claws to open the hard skin of dinosaurus or fishes,so i think spinosaurus would use claws in combat and jaws for holding its enemies. the answer: its claws. and its diet would mainly fish but if it wont hold that biggest carnivore it could eat smaller carnivores like rugops or baby dinosaurs.

Did a spinosaurus lay eggs or were they live birth bearers?

Pretty much all dinosaurs lay eggs, so Spinosaurus likely did too.

Which dinosaur is bigger bryonx or spinosaurus?


What dinosaur is carnivore Ouranosaurus or Spinosaurus?


What is the life cycle of a spinosaurus?

No Spinosaurus eggs or nests have ever been found. However, it is safe to say that Spinosaurus, like all other dinosaurs, would have hatched from a hard shelled egg, like a bird. Whether their parents took care of them or they were immediately independent is unknown.

How does the spinosaurus raise its babies?

No nests or eggs of Spinosaurus have ever been found. Thus, it is impossible for us to know whether Spinosaurus even took care of its young at all. If they did, we definitely don't know how they took care of their young.

Which will win allosaurus or spinosaurus?

spinosaurus because it's bigger

What was the biggest carnivorous dinosaur?

it can be spinosaurus giganotosauru or carcharodonthosaurus

Do spinosaurus canibalized their own kind?

There is no evidence of cannibalism in Spinosaurus. However, many reptiles are cannibalistic on occasion, and there is a chance that Spinosaurus was, too. If it were, however, the only cases of cannibalism would be when large Spinosaurus killed and ate the young offspring of other Spinosaurus.

What weighed more a fully grown spinosaurus or deinonychus?

Spinosaurus is not known from complete remains, so its extremely hard to determine its weight. Estimates range from 4.4 to 9.9 or even 18 tons. Deinonychus weighed only 160 pounds, the same as a healthy 6 foot man. Spinosaurus weighed tens or hundreds of times as much as Deinonychus.

What does spinosaurus's name mean?

Well its quit simple considering Spinosaurus means "Spined lizard" a.k.a the sail coming out of its back. its sail is made from huge pillers or spines jutting out of its back with skin ataching its spines together to form a sail. Kinda offence... hope it helped :)