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Q: How hard is it for aboriginals to hunt nowadays?
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What do aboriginals hunt and how do they do it?

aboriginals huntaustralian wildlife which is horrible and they use cross bows, harpoons and spears

What did aboriginals hunt?

Mostly Kangaroos,Emus and fish.

Where do aboriginals get their food?

they hunt for it with spears or other weapons

What did the aboriginals hunt for?

The aboriginal people hunted for buffalo's and used bows,arows,spears and knifes to hunt.

Do Aboriginals like rabbits?

If you mean to ask whether they eat rabbits, then, yes, Aboriginals ate rabbits for food before, but I don't really know whether they still do so nowadays.

What is the jobs of aboriginals?

The women job was to gather things and the men job is to hunt things

Did aboriginals ever eat grass to survive?

no they hunt animals which is sad

Which tools did the Aboriginals use to hunt emus and possums?

they used boomerangs for hunting kangaroos and emus.

What collective rights do aboriginals have?

The inuit have whale hunting as a collective right they are allowed to hunt as they wish.

What rock did aboriginals use for axeheads?

a sharp hard rock

How did the aboriginals hunt their bush tucker?

In the bush they would forage for different plants, witchetty grubs and honey ants.

Do we still hunting nowadays?

Yes some people do unfortunately continue to hunt.