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Imagine yourself, more sociable, more energy, never having to loose weight, and being able to get work done without using the smallest ounce of will power to achieve said task; then having these, "superhuman abilities" stripped dry, and your normal functioning self, left destroyed and almost unobtainable. You put yourself into an incomprehensible point of extreme isolation; almost as if you have locked yourself abroad, in an emotional solitary confinement center. A dark, and depressive aura will surround you, with un fleeting strength; and this is when you will find the option of relapse, grasping every limb of your waking conscientiousness.

Now, I'm sure your thinking what I have said is, exaggerated, overdrawn, or simply just banal, but I did what I did and said what I have said, for your knowledge or others reading this. I have been through this nightmare, and only wish for others to stay away from it. Adderall abuse is real, and needs to be media industrialized. I don't know if your an adderall user curious of the basics of this "challenge," or someone who is contemplating on whether to, give adderall a spin or two. If your a user ready to quit then I will say, all of my luck goes to you my friend, your strong, your ready, so you can do this; but if your a curious bystander, pondering the perks of adderall use, don't delve into it. Find another path that will suit you, because the long-term will soon make the short-term a thing of the past. Be strong fight the urge, and be strong and stay away, keep these things in mind for your own use, and keep this knowledge for others sake.


An honest ex-adderall user.

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Q: How hard is it to quit Adderall?
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Yes, just swallow it instead like its designed for

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Try going on a low dose of wellbutrin

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WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO? but if your serious.. just.. quit! it's not hard just don't post.

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My son took adderrall for bipolar it made him very aggressivehe took adderrall for7 daysand had a rage every day also had rages 5 days after he quit taking adderrall how long does it stay in your s?

Adderall should not be used to treat a bi-polar person...Adderall is for ADD/ADHD

What excuses can be given for adderall on a urine screen if there is no Rx?

It looks really bad to be positive for adderall or another words amphetamine. That is the same category as meth!!!! If you don't have a prescription for it, I would highly advise to quit taking it and get a cleansing solution from GNC. My friend does that everytime he needs to drop and he hasn't failed yet.

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by skating everyday and never quit even if its hard

Can you take adderall and nicoderm cq is it ok to mix while taking the nicoderm to quit smoking or will you have problems with that?

If you are taking Adderall because you have ADHD or narcolepsy, the first thing you need to realize that, neither the government nor doctors will tell you, is that you are smoking to combat the symptoms of your ADHD and/or narcolepsy. Nicotine is a potent stimulant that has the same effects as amphetamines on the brain. Indeed, there are a couple of scientific studies that have even recommended that a safe form of nicotine be explored for the treatment of ADHD. The effect of taking nicotine with Adderall is to potentiate (make more powerful) the Adderall.