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Helmholtz always felt like he could do more with his writing abilities than simply write hypnopaedia, but he did not know what to say and did not have an intelligent audience to say it to. He didn't know what to say because he had never experienced life outside of the World State, so he didn't know what else was out there. After talking to John, Helmholtz realized how corrupt this society actually was, which resulted in him writing the poem saying how he wished he was alone (being alone is condemned in the World State).

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Q: How has John influenced Helmholtz in The Brave New World?
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How are Bernard and Helmholtz alike in Brave New World?

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In "Brave New World," John's childhood was spent on the Savage Reservation, where he was isolated from the rest of society and raised by his mother, Linda. The rules and beliefs of the reservation greatly influenced John's upbringing and shaped his unique perspectives on life.

How do residents of the Brave New World respond to Shakespeare?

Citizens of the World State do not know about Shakespeare. Only 3 people in the novel know about him: John, Helmholtz Watson, and Mustapha Mond. Helmholtz is amazed, and at one point amused, by the passion and power of Shakespeare's words. Mustapha also knows the value of Shakespeare but recognizes that no true citizen of the WS would ever hope to understand it.

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John hangs himself at the end of Brave New World .

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Bernard Marx was an Alpha Plus Psychiatrist that was rejected by his own society because he was considered weird fro spending time alone and he was also too short for a alpha plus. He dated Lenina and together they go to The reservation to meet John. Helmholtz is a friend of Bernard. He is a propaganda writer. Being conditioned in the brave new world society, he still dislikes the ideas that the World State expresses. He wrote a poem which is dangerous in the World State's mind. He befriends John and together they talk about Shakespeare. - There is a lot more to these characters, but I won't give away the ending of the story for you.

Who did the murder in brave new world?

Although there was no murder in Brave New World, John the Savage killed himself.

Is john the son of dhc brave new world?

No, John is not the son of DHC in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World." John is actually the son of two characters named Linda and the Director.

What are the names of the classes in brave new world?

The classes in "Brave New World" are Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons. These classes are predetermined by the World State and correspond to the level of intelligence and societal roles assigned to each group.

How does John die in brave new world?

In Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World," John the Savage dies by hanging himself. After being deeply disturbed and disillusioned by the dystopian society he encounters in the World State, John decides to end his own life as an act of defiance against the dehumanizing world he can't bear to live in.

Brave new world what effect do the feelies have on john?

As with most things in the "civilized" world, the feelies leave John disgusted.

Why does john throw up in the brave new world?

Because John is a magical unicorn from mars.

In 'Brave New World' how does society label John?

John is labeled as a "savage" or an outsider by the society in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" due to his upbringing outside of the World State's conditioning and norms. He is seen as a curiosity and spectacle for his unconventional behavior and beliefs, confronting the rigid social structure in the novel.