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Q: How has Russia become involved in the international community?
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During the 1920s women at home did not have time to become involved in community projects.?

While many women at home were busy with household duties during the 1920s, there were still opportunities for them to get involved in community projects. Some women found time to engage in initiatives such as volunteer work, fundraising, and social activism to address local issues. Despite the challenges, women were able to make significant contributions to their communities during this time.

During the 1920s women at home did not have time to become involved in community projects true of false?

False. During the 1920s, women at home often had more free time and autonomy compared to previous decades, thanks to advances in technology and increased leisure time. This allowed many women to become more involved in community projects, such as social reform, political activism, and volunteer work.

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How did Russia become involved in World War 1?

Russia, as the self-appointed guardian of Slaves and Eastern Orthodoxy (originally a move to give them justification for fighting the Turks), was defending Serbia from Austria.

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