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Since the 1960s, moral values have shifted in various ways. There has been increased acceptance and tolerance for diverse lifestyles, beliefs, and identities. There is also a greater emphasis on individual autonomy and personal expression. Additionally, there has been a push for greater equality and social justice for marginalized groups.

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What is the difference between a hippie and a beatnik?

Hippies were associated with countercultural movements in the 1960s and embraced peace, love, and harmony. Beatniks were associated with the beat generation of the 1950s and were more focused on literary pursuits and questioning mainstream society. While both groups were nonconformists, beatniks were more intellectual and focused on existential questions, while hippies were more about communal living and rejecting materialism.

Who took jean paul sartre to Egypt in 1967?

Satre was accompanied by fellow existential philosopher Simone de Beauvoir and friend Claude Lanzmann. The invitation had been extended by the daily Egyptian newspaper, Al-Ahram at the behest of local intellectuals. It is possible that the Egyptian government (majority owners of Al-Ahram) were equally keen for Satre to meet the nation's intellectuals: given his criticism of the French colonisation of Algeria, the government had repeatedly tried to secure a visit since the early 60s, hopeful that Satre would spread a pro-Arab sentiment in the West,

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Why does the porridge bird lay his eggs in the air?

This line is from a nonsense poem by Edward Lear called "The Courtship of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo." It is a whimsical and humorous way of saying that the bird lays its eggs in a strange or impossible place, playing with the idea of surrealism and creativity in poetry.