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The main religion is Hinduism. It affects their life because they smell like poop . They will rule the world when they start using deoderant. HAHA HA ! Just Kidding but, the religion is Hinduism. Its the most populated religion in India.

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It has profound affects on their values and behavior, for example, regarding food.

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Q: How has religion shaped life for people in India?
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How has religion shaped life for India?


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The religion of the Aryans combined with the religion of the people of India (Dasyu) to result in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism.

Why is Hinduism an important religion in India?

india is also known as hindustan,because where lot of people hindus &the religion hindu born in india where the people follows and sankaracharya some other swamijis,dedicated his life for developing hinduism,where lord rama is famous god and follows the all the people so that's way hinduism an important religion in india

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Ancient Egyptian life was shaped their religion, their monarchs and the Nile River. Their ancient civilization spanned thousands of years.

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Why Buddhism is not the main religion in India?

Buddhism isn not really a religion. it is just a way of life.

How was the religion of Buddhism accepted in ancient India and why?

The religion of Buddhism was accepted because the Buddha's lessons about life and the nature of suffering taught people lessons. It was accepted because many people wanted to achieve nirvana.

Are mosques private institutions?

No, they are place of worship / faith . They r built by private people of that religion. However, Hinduism is the best & Largest growing religion, which is not pressurised on other religion people, but other people who are living hell life and feel bad, like some americans, germans, many people not in india, are changing their religion to HINDU.

Which religion stressed four principal aims of human life displaced Buddhism as the most popular religion in India?

Hinduism is the most popular religion in India, Buddhism differs only in reincarnation.

Why is Hinduism in India mostly?

Hinduism has been the main religion in India for thousands of years. 85% of India's population is Hindu, and the religion and traditions have been passed down from one generation to the next. Hinduism gives the people a good outlook on life and is a very positive religion, and the Indians have clung to it ever since it began nearly ten thousand years ago, in India.

This religion which stresses four principles aims of human life displaced Buddhism as the most popular religion in india?


How did religion affect daily life in India?

Religion spread out throughout the Mauryan Empire. Ashoka was the first ruler to promote Buddhism. He sent teachers to spread the religion throughout India. Buddhist teachings and the laws of Ashoka were carved on rocks and tall pillars for all the people to read. It influenced the Mauryan Empire that much.