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Q: How has technology impacted parenting?
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What are examples of how technology impacted culture?

Technology makes life more easier. For example, doctors need x rays to exam a broken bone. That is how technology impacted culture.

How has technology impacted schools?

It made it better

How has computer technology impacted learning?

no it rots your brain ):

What technology has impacted classification?


List the forensic technology created by or impacted by engineers?

it helped with depresiion

What has technology impacted on pediatricians?

Cell Phones, computers, neon signs.

Expand on how technology impacted organizational stress levels?

It depends. If someone can use new technology or at least knows how to use it, then it can relieve the organizational stress level. If someone doesn't know how to use technology, then it won't help the organizational stress level or it will make it worse.

How has Albert Fert and Peter Grunberg impacted your lives?

They have impacted our lives by providing us with better technology to discover new and better things for the future

How have advances in telecommunications technology impacted societies in the modern era?

Satellite technology allows for instant information sharing around the globe.

How has the duffision of ideas and technology in Germany impacted global commerce?

They don't work with the global commerce.

What role and impact of technology have on the accounting process?

well technology ave impacted the accounting process in a tremendous way by making the lives of relevant persons easier

How has freedom impacted research and technology through inventions?

freedom has impacted rersearch and technology through inventions by new things being made and are always used by anyone and everynoe can have. You'll see more blacks makeing inventions too. Just as they use to work for white people now they are doing it for a living. Freedom has also impacted inventions through technology by cause and effect