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It is true that mankind has changed the 'Christianity' of Jesus and the Apostles over the centuries. Those who 'hold fast' to the original teachings are not affected by the 'molecule to man' theory of evolution.

The term Christian is an all inclusive one for nearly 2.1 billion adherents. Though the majority is being more flexible in attempting to incorporate a 'melding' of minds/ideas for whatever purposes they may have, the 'little flock' does not accept evolution in any of its current forms - including 'theistic' evolution.

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Following the general acceptance of the Theory of Evolution, many Christians now accept that the creation stories in Genesis are to be taken symbolically, not literally. But it did not require the Theory of Evolution for some Christians to arrive at just that conclusion. To quote the early Church Father Origen (On First Principles, 3.1.1):
"Now what man of intelligence will believe that the first and the second and the third day, and the evening and the morning existed without the sun and moon and stars? And that the first day if we may so call it, was even without a heaven? And who is so silly as to believe that God, after the manner of a farmer, "planted a paradise eastward in Eden", and set in it a visible and palpable "tree of life", of such a sort that anyone who tasted its fruit with his bodily teeth would gain life: and again that one could partake of "good and evil" by masticating the fruit taken from the tree of that name? And when God is said to "walk in the paradise in the cool of the day" and Adam to hide himself behind a tree, I do not think anyone will doubt that these are figurative expressions which indicate certain mysteries through a semblance of history and not through actual events."

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Q: How has the Theory of Evolution changed Christians' minds about Genesis?
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A:Outside the United States of America and perhaps Africa, nearly all Christians believe in evolution, although they would not necessarily claim to understand the theory. In the United States, around 40 per cent of Christians believe evolution is true.

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Some Christians do believe in Evolution. Others do not. For those who do, they believe it the same way as any. Those who do not, argue that without Adam and Eve having fallen in the garden of Eden, there would have been no reason for Christ to sacrifice himself. Their "theory" then, is that the heavens and Earth were created as described in Genesis. There is only one theory of evolution, that particular one proved by science. The majority of Christianity accepts this theory as being correct, and makes no claim as to its own theory (which would in fact, only be a hypothesis until overwhelming evidence was gathered).

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Biochemical taxonomy has not changed the theory of evolution. It is another way of studying the relationships between organisms and figuring out how the tree of life has branched. It can often provide clues when external appearances are confusing.

Did the Theory of Evolution have revolutionary consequences in areas other than science?

AnswerThe theory of evolution had revolutionary consequences for religion, and most particularly the Abrahamic religions. Until advances in geology and biology showed otherwise, Christians could continue to insist that the creation stories in Genesis were literally true. A revolutionary consequence is that they must hold to their religious beliefs without the support of an inerrant Bible.

Why is Charles Darwin and why is he so important?

He is considered by many to be the father of the Theory of Evolution, though his uncle and Lamark had the genesis of that idea.

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Scientists use it to describe how organisms have changed over time.

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Charles Darwin's theory of evolution suggest that, yes, we are indeed descended from common ancestors of the apes. Later archaeological and DNA findings support his theory of evolution. However Christians or other religious people believe otherwise.

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