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Q: How has the geography of afghanastan made it difficult?
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What was made difficult by the geography of Greece?

Uniting them under one leader

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Barren deserts made it difficult for enemies to go through

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Yes, it was it's geography made it difficult.

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natural barriers made it difficult for the olmecs to expand

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The mountains of Greece made it difficult to travel, it would take 2 days

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Mostly in afghanastan

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How do you think the geography of the colonies made communication difficult?

land at the colonies was so rugged, it made communication very difficult, as no horses could navigate safely without strict guidance and days of travel

How did the geography of England make farming difficult for colonist?

The geography of England posed challenges for colonists attempting to farm due to its hilly terrain, limited arable land, and unpredictable weather conditions. These factors made it difficult to cultivate crops and sustain agriculture on a large scale, leading colonists to adopt alternative methods of subsistence such as hunting, fishing, and trade to supplement their food supply.

Country starts with a but doesn't end with a?

Afghanastan Azerbaijan

Did the geograghy of Mesopotamia make it an easy or difficult place to live?

The geography of Mesopotamia made it a difficult place to live because sometimes it would rain and because it was had a lot of hills