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it does does . god works . don't ever question gods works .

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9y ago

Instead of opening their stomata during the day, cacti and succulents open their stomata at night when it's cooler. This prevents the plant from losing too much water.

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Q: How has the succulent adapted its stomata to prevent too much water loss?
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How has the succulent adapted its stomata to prevent to much water loss?


What plant leaf is adapted to prevent water loss?

Most of their stomata are on the underside of the leaf.

What does succulent mean?

Succulent plants are water-retaining plants adapted to arid climate or soil conditions. ...

How do succulent plants conserv water?

The leaves and stems of Succulents have adapted to act as moisture stores.

Where does water plants have stomata?

to prevent excessive water loss by transpiration

Guard cells close the to prevent excess water loss?


What is a suculant plant?

Succulent plants have adapted to dry, arid conditions, by storing water in its fleshy leaves and swollen stems.

Why are stomata located on the underside of the leaf?

As the upper surface is covered with a waxy cuticle which protects the plant from dehydration if the stomata were covered by a cuticle they would not be able to function.

Why don't plants keep their stomata open all time?

Plants don't keep their Stomata open all the time to prevent too much water loss.

Why don't plants keep their stomata open all the time?

Plants don't keep their Stomata open all the time to prevent too much water loss.

Does the stomata in a leave close up when the weather is hot and dry?

Yes, in hot and dry weather, stomata close to prevent excessive water loss through transpiration. Closing the stomata helps plants conserve water and maintain optimal internal conditions for photosynthesis.

Give you a sentence using the word succulent?

That is a succulent fruit. The succulent plant needs little water.