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the economy of the us is going down.

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Q: How has the us changed after 9.11?
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What recent events changed the world?

911 has changed our world until this very day

How has 911 changed America?

America has changed from 911 by having the airports check everything instead of just checking only half of your stuff they check everything now. Also there getting more strict about the security in the airports now because of 911

How has America changed since 911?

America has changed from 911 by having the airports check everything instead of just checking only half of your stuff they check everything now. Also there getting more strict about the security in the airports now because of 911

Do the us think bush did 911?

Loose change 911 the movie

What random 0r unexpected events changed American society?


What does 'call 911' mean?

"911" is the US telephone number for emergency services.

How 911 changed airport security?

it checks 100% of bags instead of 5%

How has terrorism changed travel and tourism?

It has changed a lot. The reason is because of 911. And I'm, guessing( if you are smart) that you know the rest.

Why does 911 commemorative flag only have 30 stars?

911 victims were from 30 of the US states

How has the US changed since the 911 attacks?

Its hard for people getting in and out of countries and at many of the airports you have to take off almost all of your personal items airports have gotten very strict.

How has the world changed since 911?

thERE ARE AlOt Of pROtECtiON iN thE USA SiNCE hAt dAy.

Was 911 plan by the government?

Not by the US government.