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accelerated urban development and land disturbance reducing the land's ability to absorb runoff

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Q: How has urban development reduced the land's ability to absorb runoff?
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Does vegetation affect the amount of runoff?

Yes, plants absorb some of the water. It thick vegetation might slow runoff down too.

How flooding problems are getting worse with increased development?

Developed land that is covered with buildings does not absorb water. Development increases problems with chemical runoff. Houses and businesses that have lawns, for example, may use pesticides or fertilizers on their grass that runs off into the groundwater.

What increases runoff?

Runoff increases when vegetation has been removed, compaction (as in foot or vehicular traffic) has occurred, or the location has been developed so that the permeable area has been reduced.

Is runoff good for land if so why?

Usually not, it causes erosion of soils. To be helpful the water should absorb into the ground.

What type of places can surface runoff be at?

In areas where there is no snow, runoff will come from rainfall. However, not all rainfall will produce runoff because storage from soils can absorb light showers. Infiltration excess overland flow more commonly occurs in arid and semi-arid regions, where rainfall intensities are high and the soil infiltration capacity is reduced because of surface sealing, or in paved areas. When the soil is saturated and the depression storage filled, and rain continues to fall, the rainfall will immediately produce surface runoff. Urbanization increases surface runoff, by creating more impervious surfaces such as pavement and buildings, that do not allow percolation of the water down through the soil to the aquifier.

When it rains in the desert does the initial rain absorb or runoff?

If it is a slow and gentle rain, it will be absorbed by the soil or sand. If it is a sudden downpour the soil will not be able to absorb the water fast enough and it will run off.

How does the soil type affect the rate of runoff?

a particular soil's ability to soak up moisture affects runoff rate. Sandy soils soak up a lot of water, so usually have a low runoff rate. Clay is very reluctant to take in water, so water runs off of it - it has a high runoff rate.

Why is there less erosion when there is more vegetation?

Plant roots help hold the soil in place and also absorb water so there is less runoff.

Would you expect more runoff from a parking lot or a grassy field with the same slope?

A parking lot, generally made of blacktop or concrete, would have more runoff. Grass, with earth below it, would absorb more water. Blacktop cannot be penetrated by water. Concrete can absorb water, but only a very little, especially as compared to a grassy field.

What is Water called that flows downhill after it rains?

Water which flows after heavy rain, sleet, or as snow is melting is referred to as runoff. Runoff occurs as soil becomes too saturated to absorb more water. It is often a contributing factor in water erosion.

What are 2 ways that runoff differs in the city and in a rural area?

In a city, runoff tends to be greater due to impermeable surfaces like roads and buildings, leading to increased flooding and pollution from urban contaminants. In rural areas, runoff is typically lower as natural vegetation and soils can absorb and slow the flow of water, reducing erosion and improving water quality.