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Q: How has urbanization affected cities in North Africa South west Asia and Central Asia?
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They affected the development of cities and states in west africa

How did the gold and salt trade influence the development in cities and states in west Africa?

They affected the development of cities and states in west Africa

What was rapid urbanization?

Rapid urbanization is the process by which towns and cities are formed quickly and become larger as more and more people begin living and working in central areas. Urbanization is closely linked to modernization, industrialization, and the sociological process of rationalization.

How have recent changes in Egypt affected it's economy?

The urbanization or movement of rural people to the nations cities have effected egypts economy recently.

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Why was urbanization an effect of industrialization?

As the Industrial Revolution picked up speed, the number of people living on farms as opposed to the cities dwindled. Urbanization affected industrialization by supplying factories with a steady workforce as many people abandoned the farms and came to the cities seeking jobs working in the factories.

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The process of people moving to cities.

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