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The beauty and artistry of classical sculpture has been used by the Nazis to promote white supremacist philosophies.

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Q: How have Greek sculptures been used as propaganda?
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What equipment and material used to make Greek sculptures?

they used a sponge and a tool that could brake rock. also they used spit to narrow it out

What group of people invented the portrait sculpture style known as verism?

Verism was often used by the Romans in marble sculptures of heads. Verism, often described as "warts and all", shows the imperfections of the subject, such as warts, wrinkles and furrows. It zeroes in on the minuscule details of the human head. Although the marble heads themselves came from the Greeks, this style is extremely different from Greek head sculptures because the Greek would idealize the subject, and liken the subject to a god. The Veristic style was favored in the late Republican period. It has been noted that veristic Roman sculptures were generally credited to a Greek or someone of Eastern background, and argued that this suggests the veristic style is of Greek origin.

What is information used to influence opinion called?

Propaganda was used to persuade and influence others opinions.

Who created sculptures in ancient Greece?

Western art and sculpture derived from Roman art, while in the East, Alexander the Great's conquest gave birth to Greco-Buddhist art, which has even had an influence as far as Japan all of which stem from ancient Greek art. The Greeks used many different types of materials in their sculptures including stone, marble and limestone as these were abundant in Greece. Other materials such as clay were also used but due to their brittle nature very few have survived. Greek sculptures are very important as the vast majority of them tell us a story about Gods, Heroes, Events, Mythical Creatures and Greek culture in general. Many of the statues that have survived are actually of Roman origin. Like many people today the Romans had a deep respect for Greek sculptures and many were copied. If the Romans had not made these copies, many of the Greek Legends and stories that we know today would have been lost to antiquity. Greek sculptures are mainly divided into 7 time periods - Mycenaean Art, Sub-Mycenaean or Dark Age, Proto-Geometric, Geometric Art, Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic.

Who used propaganda World War 2?

All the governments used propaganda.

What propaganda technique is used in What propaganda technique is used in this example?

Loaded Words is the technique that is used.

What is the difference between propaganda for advertising and propaganda used for political leveraging?

Propaganda for advertising is used to get people to buy a product. Propaganda for political leverage is used to 'mudsling' to get people to see one side of something and not another.

How were the Maya able to construct elaborate sculptures without the use of metal tools?

They used hard stone tools to work softer stone into sculptures.

What are some funny propaganda topics that haven't been used?

Forceful slavery of children in Africa? Oh, wait.

Which propaganda technique is used in this sentence?

No propaganda technique is used in your question, since you did not give the sentence that you're asking about.

Why were propaganda posters used?

they used Propaganda posters to get their people to belive in whatever morals the government felt was right.

Why was the marble workshop important to Athens?

because they used the workshop to make/create sculptures and other important things needed like statues to reprsent greek gods and goddeses and as well as temples