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Q: How have artifacts found at Jamestown changed people's historical perspective of the past?
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Africans changed Jamestown because they used Africans for slaves.

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it is all about Perspectives. perspective is all that matters.

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Historical text is a recorded text and it can be changed

How did Rolfe changed life at Jamestown?

Introducing tobacco as a cash crop

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the Jamestown red sox would have waitedlike 80 years between championships

What 2 things happen at Jamestown that changed America forever?

slavery and tobacco

What did Rolfe Develop that saved and changed life in Jamestown?

High-Grade Tabacco

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The use of perspective changed. Central perspective was invented early in renaissance.

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Which product changed the economy of Jamestown?

Tobacco. A new, high-grade tobacco was developed by John Rolfe in 1612, and it became very popular in England. As the colonists learned to grow it, they became very successful, and it changed the economy of Jamestown in many ways.

John Rolfe changed life at Jamestown by?

Answer this q Introducing tobacco as a cash crop uestion…

John rolfe changed life at Jamestown?

Answer this q Introducing tobacco as a cash crop uestion…