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they have fringed feet to allow them to move fast through the water.

they also have sharp fangs to grab their prey and to eat them, also they have a streamlined body in order to create less friction when they move throughout the water. xx

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9y ago

Beetles usually have sharp fangs that help them grab their prey quickly.
kind of adaptation does beetle have is sharp fangs

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Q: How have beetles adapted?
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How might beetles be affected by biological amplification?

Biological amplification may cause beetles and other scavengers to adapt to the pesticides. This can also cause the predator of beetles to become adapted and possibly immune to pesticides.

What adaptations do American burying beetles have?

Burying Beetles have legs adapted to digging holes for their corpses, and they can secrete fluids that serve as both antibacterial and antifungal agents.

How does beetle get water in the desert?

Certain desert adapted beetles can collect morning dew on their carapaces as a means of obtaining water.

How is a Rhinoceros Beetle adapted to its habitat?

Rhinoceros beetles larvae eat decaying plant material like dead wood, fungi, fruits, grasses and leaves. When they excrete this food, the excretions supply fresh food for the living vegetation in the rainforest. As adults, the beetles eat fruit and sap.

Can you drown Japanese beetles?

No, a Japanese beetle cannot swim.Specifically, the insect in question (Popillia japonica) can be said to know how to tread water. Japanese beetles do not number among the water-adapted beetles. They manage to stay afloat by moving their legs until they drown.

What kind of beetles live in Michigan?

American Burying Beetles, Asian Longhorned Beetles, Hungerford's Crawling Water Beetles, Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles, Six-Banded Longhorn Beetles, Cantrall's Bog Beetles, Black Lordithon Rove Beetles, Douglas Stenelmis Riffle Beetles, Leaf Beetles, Dryopid Beetles, Predaceous Diving Beetles, Whirligig Beetles, Crawling Water Beetles, Minute Moss Beetles, Water Scavenger Beetles, Firefly Beetles, Travertine Beetles, Burrowing Water Beetles, Water Pennies, Toad-Winged Beetles, Marsh Beetles, Emerald Ash Borer, Cottonwood Borer, and many more types of beetles live in Michigan.

What do grubs turn into?

Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.

What kinds of beetles live on long island?

There are many types of beetles found on Long Island. This includes, powder post beetles, Asian beetles, bark beetles, citrus long horned beetles, old house beetles, and the ladybug.

What kind of beetles are noted for their funeral services?

carrion beetles are that kind of beetles

Are beetles insects?

Beetles are insects.

Do beetles have brains?

Why would you ask a question like that?!!??

Moths and butterflies are different but are beetles and water beetles the same?

No, they're not the same water beetles live in the water and beetles live on land.