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Q: How have different species adapted to suit their environment?
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The species of finches Darwin found were so varied because they had migrated over time to islands of different vegetation, and they adapted to better suit their new environment. Over time, the finches became so different from each other that they turned into new species.

Why do we say that the chameleons are adapted to the ecosystem where it lives?

Becasuse that can change colour to suit the environment they happen to be in

What damage to the environment can be caused by making electricity by using fossil fuels?

The environment is not being damaged - it's just being altered - the fact that it doesn't suit certain species on this earth is an entirely different argument.

What is necessary for the evolution of two species from subpopulations of a common ancestor?

Different environmental challenges. Each group will adapt to suit their respective environment and will eventually diverge completely.

Why do you have different clothing for different seasons?

Because different seasons have different weather conditions, clothing is adapted to suit the conditions associated with each season.

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Because they contain salty soil and to support themselves.

What is the meaning of adapted as it is used in the narrative?

Adapted in this context refers to making adjustments or modifications to fit a particular situation or purpose. It often involves changing something to better suit the needs or requirements of a new environment or circumstance.

How are elephant ears adapted to suit the environment?

They use their ears to cool themselves down, it also works as a big fly swatter, It gets rid of the flies

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What is the term for when an organism changes to suit its environment?


What is the correct meaning of adaptation?

The act or process of adapting, or fitting; or the state of being adapted or fitted; fitness., The result of adapting; an adapted form.

Why are beavers alive?

They have adapted successfully to suit their surroundings.