

How have factories changed?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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12y ago

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more machines less people

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Q: How have factories changed?
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Is factories a plurals?

Yes, "factories" is the plural of "factory".Remember that if a word (not a name) ends in "y", it is changed to "ies". So factory becomes factories.

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the appearance of many factories and how they changed over time.....

What has changed since the 1800s?

there has been factories bulit, and the population has grown

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Ah Yes by forestation and building houses and factories =/

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The atmosphere has changed because of population increases and lots of factories that produce the gas. Olivia Perli

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Electricity powered homes and factories. It changed American lives by extending the number of hours in the day when people could work and play.

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Many more factories have opened and they ship products to major seaports now.

What was one way the Industrial Revolution changed life in Europe?

People moved to large industrial centers to work in factories.

How did people at home help with the German war effort in World War 2?

Everybody helped in the war. Women started working in factories building guns, bullets, etc. Car factories became gun factories. Everything changed to assist the war. If you weren't working for the war or in it, you bought war bonds to fund the war.

Why has the water pollution situation changed in the past several decades?

Since we currently have lots of technology in our modern day, there must be factories. Factories are huge factors in pollution because they are the ones creating most of the pollution. Since there has been more technology, factories have been 'creating' [producing] more pollution.

How Idustrial Reveloution changed families?

The Industrial Revolution urbanized and industrialized. Families began leaving the farms and ranches to live in the city and work in factories.

How did the industrial revolution changed jobs and organizations?

It made new job, because all the buildings and factories being made needed someone to work in them