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Q: How have multinational corporations affect Latin American countries?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of multinational businesses to other countries?

There are a few Advantages are also associated with multinational businesses - The investment level, employment level, and income level of the other countries increases due to the - operation. - The domestic traders and market intermediaries of the other countries gets increased business from the operation. There are a few Disadvantages are also associated with multinational businesses - Their profits out of the other countries in Dollars that causes a reduction in foreign reserves for other countries - Increase the dependence of the other countries on their parent countries that may affect the foreign policy of other countries.

Disadvantages of multinational corporation?

One disadvantage to having a multinational corporation is the fact that the business may lose money due to fluctuations with the exchange rate. Another disadvantage is the possibility for unrest in other countries, which will affect doing business.

What would a multinational company do to affect a country's balance of payments?

Change prices is the most important factor a multinational company can do.

How does Florida's location affect its relationships with Latin American countries?

Because the closest Latin American country is Cuba

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They needed to be more dependent on those countries.

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The tariff hurt trade with other countries.

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The tariff hurt trade with other countries.

How did the Smooth Hawley Tariff affect the American economy?

The tariff hurt trade with other countries.

How did Smoot-Hawley Tariff affect the American economy?

The tariff hurt trade with other countries.

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Why did the Fordney-McCumber Tariff affect other countries?

This trariff proctected American business from foreigh competion..I think :)

Who has the power to make rules for large industries and businesses that affect the public?

Government corporations