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Q: How have scientists determined the age of earth?
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How do scientist explain how old the earth's is?

The age of the Earth has been determined through radiometric age dating. Small crystals of a mineral called Zircon have been dated to about 4.4 billion years old.

How do scientists know that the earth has evolved?

From the history that is revealed in rock, particularly in fossils and the age of rock as determined by very precise radiometric dating techniques.

How can you determine the age of the surface of the moon?

Scientists have determined the age of the moon by testing the rocks returned by the Apollo astronauts. Also, several unmanned vehicles landed on the moon and tested the soil and sent the results back to scientists here on earth.

Earth scientists assume that the causes of natural events or phenomena can be determined by?

answer it

How is there age determined?

Which encouraged 36 years old scientists to exchange .

Scientists believe that the Earth is presently overdue for an Ice Age?

Yes it is true that scientists believe that the Earth is presently overdue for an Ice Age. The Ice Age happens in different cycles.

How did scientists determine Earth has layers?

Scientists determined that the Earth has layers through studying how seismic waves travel. These seismic waves differed depending on how thick the layer was.

How the age of plant and animal fossils is determined?

The age of a plant or animal in a fossil is determined by radiocarbon dating. This means scientists measure the amount of a special type of carbon in the fossil, to determine the date.

What is the process by which scientists can estimate the age of the Earth called?

It is called a recall

The age of the earth's crust can best be determined from the studies of?

The study of rocks helps in determining the age of the crust.

How do scientists know how old the moon is?

The nMoon was once a part of the Earth, so it is the same age as the earth.

Why have scientists had a difficult time determing the age of earth.?

doesn't say anything