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Q: How have the ideas of the enlightenment influenced modern government?
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After enlightenment ideas spread how did the purpose of government change?

The transmission of Enlightenment ideas to Greek thought influenced the development of a national consciousness.

How was john Locke influenced by the enlightenment?

John Locke was heavily influenced by the Enlightenment, particularly by the ideas of reason, individualism, and natural rights. His belief in the social contract, where the authority of the government is derived from the consent of the governed, reflected Enlightenment ideals of democracy and limited government. Locke's works laid the foundation for modern political thought and deeply influenced the American and French Revolutions.

What were 2 ideas from the Enlightenment that influenced the Declaration of Independence?

What were 2 ideas from the Enlightenment that influenced the Declaration of Independence?

Who changed ideas about government and social injustice during the enlightenment?

The people changed ideas about government education and social injustice during the Enlightenment. They were led by Enlightenment thinkers such as Descartes, Hobbes, and Voltaire.

The enlightenment and the great awakening caused?

The ideas of the enlightenment mostly influenced American revolution.

How did the ideas of the enlightenment shape the modern world?

The ideas of the Enlightenment, such as reason, individualism, and skepticism of authority, laid the foundation for modern political and social systems. They influenced the development of democracy, human rights, and scientific progress, shaping the modern world's values and institutions.

How did scientific findings influence Enlightenment ideas about government and society?

Scientific findings influenced Enlightenment ideas about government and society. The society became less religious and more secular. People also became more interested in astrology.

What greatly influenced Thomas Jefferson political ideas?

the enlightenment

What are john lockes enlightenment ideas?

John Locke, an Enlightenment thinker, believed in the concept of natural rights, including the rights to life, liberty, and property. He also argued that individuals have the right to revolt against governments that violate these rights. Locke's ideas influenced the development of modern democracy and the principles of limited government.

What was inspired by the ideas of the enlightenment?

The Declaration of Independence

How do enlightenment ideas relate to democracy?

Enlightenment ideas, such as the belief in reason, individual rights, and equality, heavily influenced the development of democratic principles like freedom of speech, legal equality, and popular sovereignty. The Enlightenment emphasized the importance of citizen involvement in government and the idea that rulers should govern with the consent of the governed, thus laying the groundwork for modern democratic systems.

Hiw did the ideas of the enlightenment influence the art?

Of the enlightenment just influenced the art - foreal?