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Using the accepted convention of never repeating a symbol more than three times in succession, 3999 is as high as you can go. That is, MMMCMXCIX.

There are other conventions that came into use during the Middle Ages to allow for larger numbers. For instance, placing a horizontal line above a symbol multiplies it by 1,000. Two vertical lines either side multiply by 100. Combining the two methods would multiply the value by 100,000. However, this convention is usually restricted to just a single symbol.

But by using the original symbols for 500 and 1000, |Ɔ (which looks like the D it became) and C|Ɔ (which became M) respectively, the sky is the limit, because additional symbols can be tacked on to both sides, or just the right side, to increase the value 10 fold. Thus 1,000,000 is represented by the Roman numeral cccc|ᴐᴐᴐᴐ. Combinations such as cccc|ᴐᴐᴐᴐᴐ give us 1,000,500. Each additional ᴐ effectively pushes the 5 further to the left, thus cccc|ᴐᴐᴐᴐᴐᴐᴐᴐ gives 1,500,000.

ↀ is the original version of C|Ɔ (not to be confused with CD which is 400), which can also be written as ↂ to mean 10,000 (normally cc|ᴐᴐ). Similarly D can be written ↁ to make 5,000 (normally |ᴐᴐ).

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Q: How high can you go in roman numerals?
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