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No one knows. But it also effects vision.

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Q: How hormonal changes during pregnancy effect hearing?
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Why do mothers get diabetes in pregnancy?

Most women have some degree of impaired glucose intolerance as a result of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. During the later part of pregnancy (the third trimester), these hormonal changes place pregnant woman at risk for gestational diabetes.

Mood swings during pregnancy?

Mood swings during pregnancy are common due to hormonal changes. It's the reason that pregnant woman are commonly referred to as "Irritable."

Is thick excessive salivation caused by female hormonal changes?

Excessive salivation is sometimes a problem that occurs during pregnancy.

Urinary track infections during pregnancy?

Hormonal changes during pregnancy make women more susceptible to urinary tract infections. They are harmful if left untreated, which is normally done with antibiotics.

Can cold sweats be sign of early pregnancy?

One of the most common causes of Night sweats during early pregnancy (first trimester) is the hormonal changes related to pregnancy. But cold sweats are not typically a sign of pregnancy.

Why depression happens at pregnancy time?

A Girl faces so many challenges in her life. At menarche, she has hormonal changes. During menstrual cycles she has hormonal changes. So many are disturbed before menses, premenstrual syndrome. With pregnancy, again hormonal changes, look changes,activity restricted, fear of death and pain of delivery, postural changes and so many other things.(Just imagine a world without mother,sister,wife and daughter.)(And grand daughter !)

What color should the cervical be in an very early pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the cervix becomes closed and blue or purple in color. Also the cervical mucus tends increase due to hormonal changes.

Why do you cry a lot during your pregnancy?

Due to Hormonal changes, the need for love, the need for someone holding your hand, the need to be accepted in that state makes a woman feel low, that is one reason she would cry during pregnancy.

Gastro Intestinal Changes During Pregnancy?

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You gave birth 9 wks ago and had my period after but now i am late and had negative pregnancy results?

Your body goes through a lot of hormonal changes during and after pregnancy. It is normal for the cycles to be abnormal for a while.

Can someone have sleep apnea symptoms only through pregnancy?

Pregnancy brings forth plenty of body and hormonal changes that can cause sleep apnea and other issues that will disappear when the baby is born. Try to observe any other happenings during your pregnancy.

Is gestational diabetes a disease?

No, not at all gestational diabetes is not a disease. It is just a minor defect during pregnancy.That is during pregnancy it is natural to have major hormonal changes, some mother cannot able to sustain this hormonal change, end up with high blood sugar called as gestational diabetes.