

How hot can a shower get?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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15y ago

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In the barracks, we would call "flush" before flushing when people were showering because the temperature was generally set to "Scald your skin off F". Take a look at: for tips on setting the optimum temperature for your water heater in your house.

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a cold shower

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Hot because the hot will burn the germs off of your body

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if u take too long a hot shower, ur body temperature will adjust to the temperature of the hot water and its hard on your heart

What is this red blotchy spots on your legs after you take a hot shower or go out in the sun?

I get those when I take a hot shower too, apparently it happens when the water is too hot.

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A hot shower or immerse the aren and shoulder in a tub of hot water may help pain.

Which shower is healthier a cold shower or a hot shower?

a cold shower it helps to decrease frizz in your hair and it opens up your pores when you was your face and shave

Why do you have to turn on cold water first to get hot water to work in shower?

On single handle shower valves, designed to let cold water first and turn handle farther to mix hot water to desired setting. If hot water turned on first, possibility of getting scalded. If seperate hot/cold handles for shower, shower valve needs work.

Can a cold shower get you clean?

Yes, a cold shower can get you clean, but a hot shower with soap with help to kill any germs that you are carrying.