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Q: How hot can it get in the Thar desert?
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Is the Thar Desert a hot desert or cold desert?

Hot desert

Where is the Thar Desert located on the map of India?

The Thar Desert is located in northwest India.

What type of desert is the Thar?

The Thar Desert is considered a hot desert.

What is the climate of the Thar Desert?

the thar desert is very hot , dry , and very very cold at night

Why does it not rain in the Thar desert?

It's too hot.

Is the Great Indian Desert hot or cold?

The Great Indian Desert, also known as the Thar Desert, is a hot subtropical desert.

What are major deserts in India?

Hot desert thar and cold desert ladakh

Why are hot dust storms common in the Thar Desert?

Hot dust storms are common in Thar because of low pressure and hot dry wind .

What are the hot and cold deserts of India?

The Ladakh is a high cold desert in northern India near the Himalayas. The Thar Desert is a hot desert in northwest India on the Pakistani border.

What is the Thar Desert?

The Thar Desert is located in northwest India and southern Pakistan. It is a hot, subtropical desert that covers 77,000 square miles (200,000 square km). It is sometimes called the Great Indian Desert.

What is the desert near indias border with Pakistan called?

The desert is called either rajastan desert of the Thar Desert

Why is the Thar Desert is separating?

The Thar Desert is not separating.