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the suns surface is 5500 degeres celcius. also hitler is a jew. i like hitler!

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Q: How hot can the sun be at the outside?
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How hot is the sun from the outside?

10,000 degrees

How long should you go outside?

as long as you like just watch for the sun its made of fire (very hot)

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Tomatoes are grow in garden, in pots and on farms.

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Sun dry them outside..Then grind them into powder.

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Go outside a lot in hot whether, i dunno.:)Stay out of the sun.

How hot is the middle of thesun?

the outside of the sun is about 6,ooo degrees celcius and the inside is about 10,000

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sun is hot really hot

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it was really hard and hot working outside every day in the sun

What is the different about car and motorcycle?

Car : If outside hot, you will not get hot If outside rainy, you will not get rained Motorcycle : If outside hot, you will not get rained If outside rainy, you will not get hot

What is a metaphor for the simile as hot as the sun?

the sun is as hot as burning fire

Is the sun hotter in the middle or the outside of the sun?

The outside.

Can aluminum pie plates catch on fire outside in the sun?

It is possible for aluminum pie plates to catch on fire outside in the sun if they become extremely hot or receive focused sunlight. It would be very rare for them to catch on fire.