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Hamsters shouldn't be washed under water unless of an emergency. If you have a dwarf hamster, it might like a dust bath to freshen its fur. Otherwise, only wash hamster if it absolutely needs to be washed. (For Example: gum stuck in its fur)

If you must wash the hamster, wash it in warm water and dry it immediately with a hand towel. It can easily die from hypothermia if it is wet.

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12y ago

Don't wash you hamster. The only way to wash your hamster is to take a damp towel that is room temperature and wipe it on hamster.

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A hamster's body temperature is about the same as a human since they are mammals. A hamster's temperature is 98 degrees Fahrenheit.

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you wash it.

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yes why wouldnt you?

Should your school have warm water to wash hands?

Yes - provided its temperature is remotely controlled. Providing hot water straight to pupils wash-rooms creates the possibility of scalding either deliberately or by accident. Regulating the temperature at the boiler (by way of a mixer valve) would allow the maintenance staff to set the temperature the water is piped to the wash-rooms.

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