

How how do you help anorexia?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Anorexia is best reated by medical professionals including doctors (to aid in health) and therapists / psychologists (to aid in mental recovery / lifestyle).

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11y ago

Anorexia is best helped by seeking professional help from trained medics who know how to deal with those suffering from eating disorders.

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How can I get help for anorexia?

Anorexia is a very dangerous! You should seek professional help immediately. Most people can not over come anorexia alone. Talk with your doctor, he will point you in the right direction and get you the help you need.

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Counseling help.

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They will have to help themselves.

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There is a fantastic medical product for curing anorexia. It is called food! ye i no but as in medical

Where can I find information about anorexia help on the Internet?

Anorexia can be helped by visiting a trust source on the internet. One such source would be the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders, Inc.

Receive Anorexia Treatment ?

form_title=Receive Anorexia Treatment form_header=A treatment center can help you overcome the disease of anorexia. How long ago were you diagnosed with Anorexia?=_ Have you sought treatment before?= () Yes () No Are you currently under the care of a therapist?= () Yes () No

How many teens have anorexia and have not asked for help?

Millions have done just so. It is estimated that 1 in every 250 people suffer from anorexia. Of those, very few ask for help. Most are forced into rehab or help.

Does Anorexia cause weight loss?

Anorexia nervosa is a dangerous eating disorder that can kill. Seek psychiatric help if you are suffering from anorexia. Restricting a massive number of calories is going to wreck havoc on your body.

Does anorexia really cause weight loss?

Anorexia nervosa is a dangerous eating disorder that can kill. Seek psychiatric help if you are suffering from anorexia. Restricting a massive number of calories is going to wreck havoc on your body.

Are there vaccines for anorexia?

Not that I'm aware of. Anorexia is a mental health condition, and there is no medicinal cure. Sometimes anti-depressants can help with symptoms of depression, but that's not really a cure. One of the best treatments for anorexia is psychotherapy.

What is being done to help people with anorexia in France?

Ask the French.