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Q: How how does the kinetic energy of a bullet behave on bullet proof glass?
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Can bullet proof glass withstand a 1000 fps bullet?

It depends on the thickness of the glass and the muzzle energy of the bullet, not just the velocity.

Is there energy in an ice cube?

yes... if it is just sitting there, it has potential energy..... if it is falling into a glass, it has kinetic energy

Why a glass bottle crack when turned to ice?

kinetic energy becomes larger

When energetic electrons in the glass vibrate against neighboring atoms what happens to the energy of vibration?

their kinetic energy is transferred to the electrons of the neighboring atoms and kinetic energy is conserved as most molecular collisions are elastic.

What is the element formula of bullet proof glass?

The Scientific name for Bullet Proof Glass is Bullet Resistant Glass. It is referred to as Bullet Resistant Glass in the Industry as there is no such glass that can stop every bullet. A series of bullets that hit within a small area of the Bullet Resistant Glass will eventually project right through the glass.

What happens if energy is added to a glass of ice water?

If the energy is heat, the water will warm up. If it is kinetic, like throwing it against the wall, the glass will absorb the energy and probably smash into bits.

When energetic electrons in the glass structure vibrate against nighboring atoms what becomes of the energy of vibrations?

their kinetic energy is transferred to the electrons of the neighboring atoms and kinetic energy is conserved as most molecular collisions are elastic.

Do airplanes have bullet proof glass?

No airplanes do not have bullet proof glass.

A glass of water is stirred and then allowed to stand until the water stops movingwhat has happened to the kinetic energy of the moving water?

The kinetic energy has been transformed into potential energy as the water slows down and stops moving.

What is the total mechanical energy of a glass of milk falling off a table at a time when its potential energy is 15j and its kinetic energy is 12j?

27 Joules

How do you apply kinetic energy?

when you walk, ride a bike, when you pour a glass of lemonade, it's basically moving and motion

Who uses bullet proof glass?

For one, the US President uses bullet proof glass.