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It takes a lot of money to run a presidential campaign. In the early stages, before any candidate is nominated by a party,the candidates have to fund their own campaigns and money really matters then. If a candidate run out of money, he has to drop out. Moreover, candidates who prove they can raise money thereby show themselves as viable candidates and gain additional support. Money tends to follow money.

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13y ago
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9y ago

Access to money is fairly important to anyone running for political office. You would need to get the word out, print up signs, etc. Sure, you could do it on the cheap, but even that is expensive.

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12y ago

Because electoral campaigns are expensive, especially national ones.

There are expenses such as advertising, salaries, travel, in some cases bribes.

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11y ago

The more money each candidate raises, the more advertising he/she can purchase, thereby reaching more people with his/her message, resulting in more votes on election day.

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Yes, there is a letter from the predential candidates asking for money. They do this because it takes a lot of money for them to put there names on the ballots,to speak in public places, and to do other presidential stuff that they need to do to stay in the race.By: Rachiru

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all of them! its how our country works. if a presidential candidate gives companies enough money, they win.

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Yes. It's not considered a "campaign contribution", so it isn't subject to the normal restrictions. If a candidate wants to find his campaign entirely by himself, it's perfectly legal for him to do so.

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i dont know so get over it sorry btw im 9 haha lol

Can you win the presidential election without spending money?

No. A presidential candidate has to pay for campaigning, signs, buttons, a way to get around the country, for commercials, campaign trail expenses, and more. Fundraising can probably provide for most of the money, but running for president is not cheap.