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Q: How important to the development of a lasting civilization is the ability to survive?
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What were the important and lasting contributions of ancient Egyptian to civilization and its rulers overtime?

Some of the lasting contributions of ancient Egyptian civilization cover areas such as mathematics, engineering and medicine.

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What was the most lasting achievement of Greek civilization?

enabling transportation and communication

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Why is the egyptian civilization important?

The Egyptian civilization is an incredibly important civilization in human history because of its lasting influence on culture art language and architecture. The ancient Egyptians were the first to develop a writing system they developed a calendar and they made advancements in mathematics engineering and medicine. They were also the first to construct large-scale monuments and religious temples. This civilization has left behind a vast legacy of knowledge that has helped us understand the world today. Here are some of the important contributions of the Egyptian civilization: Developed a writing system Developed a calendar Advanced mathematics engineering and medicine Constructed large-scale monuments and religious temples Left behind a vast legacy of knowledgeThe contributions of the Egyptian civilization have had a lasting influence on the world and continue to shape our culture art language and architecture today.

What were the Lasting Legacies of the Roman civilization?

Calander days of the week sewers concrete are just a few

What was the most lasting development of the Han Empire?

The most lasting development of the Han Dynasty is the invention of paper. They used to write on silk which was very costly. After discovering paper, books and such became a lot cheaper.

How long can you date China's civilization back to?

More then 4000 BC. It is one of the longest lasting civilizations

Is it The cultural achievements of Greece during the 5th century BC laid the foundations of western civilization?

Yes, the cultural achievements of Greece during the 5th century BC, known as the Golden Age, were foundational for Western civilization. They included advancements in democracy, philosophy, art, architecture, and literature, which have had a lasting impact on the development of Western culture and society.

What was Napoleon's lasting important reform?

Code Napoleon

What are these factors important for lasting friends?

honesty and trust

What was the middle?

it was a time period in Egyptian civilization that was a period of stability lasting from 2055 to 1650 B.C. It was portrayed as a golden age.