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In 'Life in a Medieval Village' Frances and Joseph Gies write:

'Three services were normally celebrated in the parish church on Sunday; matins, Mass, and evensong. Mass was also said daily, and the priests were supposed to say the canonical hours at three-hour intervals for their own benefit.

The Mass was said in Latin, and communion was usually administered only at Easter. Sermons were infrequent in the thirteenth century. Instead, the priest might devote time to a lesson, instructing the congregation about the ARticles of the Faith, the seven deadly sins, or the sacraments, or he might read from a collection of sermons in English, though such books were not yet widely distributed.

A major function of the parish priest was that of instructing his parishoners. It was up to him to teach the children the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the Ave, and the Ten Commandments. William of Pagula recommended that the priest give not only religious but practical advice: telling mothers to nurse their own children, not to let them smother in bed or tie them in their cradles or leave them unattended; ad vising against usury and magic arts; giving counsel on sexual morality and marriage.

Th epriest's isntruction of adults came largely through confession, in which he not only exmained the penitent's morals but their religious knowledge. The manuals coached the priest to interrogate the penitent about his behavior. The penitent must confess his sins completely and without reservation. Th epenance should fit the sin, light for a light sin, heavy for a heavy sin.

Above all, the priest must teach by example. His preaching was worth little if he lived an evil life. The sins he was especially warned agaisnt indicated those he was most likely to fall into. He should be chaste, he should be ture, he should be mild in word and deed. "Drunkeness and gluttony, pride and sloth and envy, all these thou must put away." The pirest must forsake taverns, trading, Wrestling and shooting, hawking, hunting and dancing. "Markets and fairs I thee forbid". He msut wear "honest clothes" and not knightly "basinet and baldric". His beard and crown must be shaven. He msut be hospitable to rich and poor.'

Most people in medieval times got up a lot earlier and went to bed a lot earlier than we do now, because they were much more dependend on daylight than we are. The priest would be up early and would eat a light breakfast, which in those days was usually bread and ale, and maybe cold meat. Mass would probably be said in th emorning, and the main meal of the day was eaten at midday. Depending on how well off the priest was, he might have several courses for lunch. He would probably have a housekeeper to cook for him, though some priests, although they were supposed to be celibate, did keep mistresses.

The rest of the day he might spend time teaching, hearing confessions, visiting the poor etc. On some days he would have weddings, christenings or funerals to celebrate. And there were many religious festivals throughout the year where there would be special services and cereomines, Christmas (which lasted 13 days in medieval times) Candlemass, Easter, Pentecost, Corpus Christi, Lammas, Michaelmas, and All Saints, were occasions for special celebrations.

He would not have a fixed timetable of daily activities because his activities would vary according to what might need doing in the parish.

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