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The imports and help a country because say in AUS we needed some kind of machinery, like a train China could send us one.

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Q: How imports and exports help to a country?
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How are net exports calculated?

by subtracting a country's imports by the exports

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Taxes that are placed on imports and exports are referred to as tariffs. A debate exists regarding whether or not high tariffs help or hurt a nation's economy.

When net exports are negative what is best?

when the imports exceeds the imports then net exports are negative and positive is best for country.

If a country has a trade surplus?

Exports > imports

What is the term used by economist to describe where a nation exports more than it imports?

The country's net exports are positive(net exports being exports minus imports)

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The difference between the value of a country's exports and the value of its imports. If the value of exports exceeds that of imports, a country is said to have a trade surplus, while the opposite case is called a trade deficit.

What is known as imports and exports?

Imports are goods or services brought into a country from another. Exports are goods and services sold to other countries.

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It is tariff.

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