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Yes definitely in a relationship or even on affairs, married man or married woman will have this feelings of infatuation towards the other person, even if their relationship are only friends. The feeling of lust or infatuation are what they feel towards the other person.

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There is plenty of both.

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Q: How infatuation become love?
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How does one know if the feeling he experience is love of infatuation?

Infatuation is the starting point of love, Love is something that is on the extreme,that you can't bear the absence of that person or thing But in infatuation you bear the absence

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ang love ay lab

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How do you use infatuation in a sentence?

"Most readers of Romeo and Juliet agree that the title characters were experiencing an infatuation, not love.""His infatuation with donuts made him gain a lot of weight."

Is young love bad?

No, infatuation is normal.

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What are the effects of infatuation?

infatuation...some of the manifestations of infatuation is when you always think of that person, or always want look at to a person but don't have any close relationship with that person that's why infatuation is called a foolish love. you may call it love but, there's a deeper meaning of love. the feeling of love is not attained by just seeing that person or because you're fun of talking to that person even if it doesn't make much sense.

What is the length of an infatuation?

It depends it can last a life time There is no any instrument will be existed which can measure the length of love. No matter why and whom you love .Love is a precious . In my lexicon, the length of an infatuation does not exist.

Is the following scenario Love or Infatuation - promises are made often but rarely kept?

infatuation. because they're rarely kept, but made. love would be kept

Is infatuation same thing as love?

No, a lot of couples start their love life by that one aspect of infatuation. But the real deal is that infatuation is just an attraction to what that person smells, looks, or sounds like. But true love is having a deep connection to the person you are w/ not just b/c you think you love them, but b/c you do love them.

What does love and infatuation have in common?

Love and infatuation both involve strong feelings of attraction towards another person. However, infatuation tends to be more intense but short-lived, while love often involves a deeper connection and understanding of the other person. Both can bring about feelings of happiness and excitement.