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Q: How is Batman a better example of a romantic archetype than Wolverine?
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Example: Batman How: He saves Gothom City

Who would win in a fight Wolverine or Batman?

Wolverine,Easy Reasons - 1)Wolverine has healing powers and he is indestructable because of the atamantium covering his bones. 2)Batman is quite quick, so he could just dodge wolverine's claws and he's also got sweet gadgets. 3)Wolverine can slice him in half as soon as Batman makes a bad move.

Who do you think will win wolverine or Batman?

batman will destroy wolverine because to kill wolverine you heed to cut or blow his head off.batman has bomb batarangs so batman can just throw it at wolverines head and it blow his head off or batman can get his laser sword and cut wolverines head off bat man rules

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What is the best archetype?

There is no one "best" archetype as it depends on personal preference and playstyle. Some popular archetypes include control, aggro, midrange, and combo. Experiment with different archetypes to find the one that suits your preferences and strengths as a player.

Who would win wolverine or Batman?

Batman is a normal human which has no superpowers. He has a number of gadgets at his disposal. Contrarily Wolverine is a very powerful mutant who has two powers: Adamantium clad skeleton, A very fast regeneration ability. Batman, as much as he tries, can't kill wolverine because of his indestructible skeleton but if Wolverine slashes batman one time he would be split into two parts. So the obvious champion is Wolverine.

What is beast in x men?

Beast is a mutant, obviosly.

Would Batman beat wolverine in a fight?

Batman would pwn spiderman wolverine is invincible so wolvie would slaughter batsy but it would take a long long long time

What are 5 the most popular superheroes?

Superman Batman Wolverine Spiderman The Incredible Hulk