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CO2 is not harmful to humans even in concentrations more than several times the present level in earth's atmosphere (which is about 385ppm, or about one part in 2,500). It is commonly far higher than 385ppm in offices etc with no harmful effects.

CO2 is absolutely essential to the growth of all green things which rely on photosynthesis ---trees, lettuces etc !--- which in turn, in the self-balancing carbon cycle, give us the oxygen essential for all air-breathing animals and for various other purposes.

It is only a very mild greenhouse gas, by far the major one being water vapor. Such gases, of course, are vital to life here and (contrary to common belief) there is no proven evidence that human contributions to CO2 have or are having any measurable heating effect worldwide. Even the IPCC (4AR) did not make any claim of certainty.

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