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They are not comparable. Cincinnatus fought only one battle. Although his tactics in the Battle of Mount Algidus were clever, judging by the fact that he built a wall around the enemies who were besieging other Roman soldiers during the night, the size of the enemy forces must not have been very big.

Hannibal fought the Romans and their allies, not a small people like the Aequi. He routed the Romans and their allies in three battles. The size of the enemy armies in these battles were 42,000, 40,000 and, at Cannae, 86,400. At Cannae an estimated 54,000 to 79,000 Roman and allied soldiers lost their lives. These victories were sensational. Cannae was one of the greatest battles in antiquity. Hannibal was one of the greatest military geniuses in antiquity.

The main fact about Cincinnatus is that he was mythologised by the Romans. He was a poor farmer. He was called while he was ploughing his field, led the battle and returned to his plough. This story epitomised the ideals of the Roman aristocracy who liked to see the Romans as frugal and hardy farmers. Cincinnatus was seen as a perfect case of Roman gravitas and an indication of the rectitude of the older days as compared to the perceived decadence of the later days when Roman historians were writing their histories.

Another element that contributed to the mythologising of Cincinnatus was the fact which he dealt with Spurius Maelius's alleged attempt to become a king. To the Romans of the Republic, monarchy was seen as tyranny and Cincinnatus was seen as a saviour of liberty.

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