

How is DNA collected?

Updated: 5/24/2024
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14y ago

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It is also called "miniprep method". there certain other methods but i know about the miniprep method.

It involves following basic steps:

1. source to get the DNA like some samples

2. increasing its quantity by PCR

3. isolating the DNA out of unwanted substance into the pure form

1. first the DNA containing solution is kept at the temp of 4 degree celsius so that all the enzymes get inactivated.

2. it is treated with an anionic detergent so that the DNA makes a complex with it.

3. the whole solution is treated with hot beta-merceptoethanol so that all the protein present gets denatured.

4. it is then added with phenol:chloroform in the 24:1 ratio so that we get 2 layers.....

a) upper organic layer which contains the nucleic acid i.e.DNA and RNA

b) lower aqueous layer with cell debris and other unwanted material.

5. the upper layer is decanted in another test tube

6, now RNAse is added to remove RNA

7. now NaOH is added to remove an anionic detergent.

8. now ethanol is added to precipitate out the DNA in the form of smooling structure.

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1w ago

DNA can be collected by swabbing the inside of the cheek with a cotton swab to collect buccal cells, which contain DNA. Blood samples, hair follicles, and skin cells can also be sources of DNA collection. These samples are then sent to a laboratory for analysis.

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14y ago

DNA can be collected through blood and hair fibres.

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12y ago

Your DNA is inherited from your parents. You receive one set of chromosomes from each parent. Therefore exactly half of your DNA comes from each parent.

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How long after a crime can identifiable DNA evidence be collected from sperm found on clothing?

Too broad a question to answer here. It all depends on the type(s) of evidence being collected and the conditions to which it has been exposed.

First isolated DNA using pus collected from bandages at a local hospital since white blood cells are a major component of pus they were your source of DNA?

It is not ideal to isolate DNA from pus collected from bandages as it may contain contaminants from the wound environment. Using white blood cells obtained from a blood sample would provide a purer source of DNA for isolation techniques. This can be done by extracting white blood cells from the blood sample and isolating DNA from these cells using appropriate methods.

Using DNA to identify who committed a crime is?

a process called DNA profiling, in which a sample is collected from a crime scene and compared to a suspect's DNA to determine if there is a match. This method is highly accurate and is commonly used in criminal investigations to establish a link between a suspect and a crime scene.

Who has to give DNA?

Giving DNA can be required by law enforcement as part of a criminal investigation, through a court order, or voluntarily in some genetic testing scenarios. Privacy and consent should always be considered when DNA is being collected.

Why does addition of ice-cold ethanol lead to the precipitation of DNA?

Because it need to preserve for DNA expert to use. Just like all the living things if an animals is died in snow, snow are used to preserve them. Same as DNA

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you get 1 DNA for every 8 eggs collected/critters eaten, so rainin lizards is a good speedrun for getting lots of DNA.

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No, it can only be used to generate a DNA profile.

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Because DNA is unchangeable, the date it's collected is irrelevant. It can be collected within an hour or in thrity years; it's still the same DNA. Testing methods and handling of the samples can affect the test results.

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It can be used to identify the criminals easily if the criminal's hair sample or blood sample is collected and comparing it with the DNA of the suspects

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Who isolated DNA using pus collected from bandages at a local hospital?

Friedrich Miescher

Can DNA be collected after embalming and if so from what areas?

Yes, DNA can still be collected after embalming, although the process may reduce the overall quantity and quality of the genetic material. Common areas to collect DNA from after embalming include bones, teeth, and hair roots. It's important to work with a professional experienced in post-mortem DNA collection to ensure the best possible results.

Why do we use ethanol to extract DNA?

Ethanol is used to extract DNA because it is able to precipitate the DNA out of solution due to its nonpolar nature. When added to a DNA solution containing salt, the DNA molecules become less soluble in ethanol and can be easily collected by precipitation with a centrifuge.

Which scientist first isolated DNA using pus collected from bandages at a local hospital?

Friedrich Miescher

You first isolated DNA using pus collected from bandages at a local hospitalsince white blood cells are a major compnent of puthey were your source of DNA?

Friedrich Miescher

How long after a crime can identifiable DNA evidence be collected from sperm found on clothing?

Too broad a question to answer here. It all depends on the type(s) of evidence being collected and the conditions to which it has been exposed.