

How is Granville woods public life like?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How is Granville woods public life like?
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i dnt know what his life was like but o.k. i will find out sooner or later i guess

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Who was granville woods?

Some people think of Granville T. Woods as the "Black Edison"-- like Thomas Edison, he was an inventor who was years ahead of his time. He was born and raised in Ohio, and despite having only a limited education, he apprenticed himself to men who helped him develop his considerable engineering skills. In his life, he got more than 60 patents, including a signaling system that helped make railroad communication more effective and prevented accidents. I enclose a link to a good biography of his life.

What did granville woods look like?

Dark skinned, smart, intelligent, friendly, handsome, with a distinguished moustache. For more information and pictures, see Related links below this box

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Great! He's Rich!

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If there is no other bathroom nearby, yes. However, if in a public park, you could get cited for indecent public exposure.

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a forest is not really like a woods but it is it's made up of the same things like life forms and as u know it they both have trees

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soft woods are woods like pine, hard woods are woods like oak and manufactured woods is man made like mdf hope this helps a little XD

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No, Tiger Woods doesn't talk to the general public so I doubt he would tell you something like that.

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