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Q: How is Greek citizenship different to Australian citizenship?
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If the marriage is legally recognised in Australia and she has Australian citizenship then yes you will get Australian citizenship.

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Serving on a jury if required is a responsibility of Australian citizenship true or false?

Yes, serving on a jury is a responsibility of Australian citizenship. In addition, this question appears on the Australian citizenship test.

Does Australian army accept foreigners?

i think only if you get an Australian citizenship.

When does a migrant become an austrailan?

A migrant becomes an Australian when he/she is approved of or given Australian Citizenship. For this, you fist need to check if you are eligible and then apply for the citizenship.

Who doesn't need Australian citizenship to vote in Australian Federal elections?

Only people who were British subjects on the Commonwealth electoral roll at 25 January 1984 are allowed to vote without Australian citizenship.

Australian Citizen with English grandmother do I qualify for dual citizenship?

Yes you do qualify for dual citizenship.

Is the Australian Citizenship Test only in English?


Requirements of eligibility for Australian citizenship?

As my wife is an Australian citizen , am I eligble?

Can you become an Australian citizen if your grandfather was born there?

Unless you were born in Australia, you would not be able to automatically obtain citizenship. However, anyone can take the citizenship test to try to obtain citizenship. If your parents were born in Australia but you were born overseas you cna be granted Australian citizenship.

What is Greek citizenship?

Greek. Citizens of Greece are called Greeks.

How do you check if someone has Australian citizenship?

Look at their skin colour