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Unless you were born in Australia, you would not be able to automatically obtain citizenship. However, anyone can take the citizenship test to try to obtain citizenship.

If your parents were born in Australia but you were born overseas you cna be granted Australian citizenship.

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Q: Can you become an Australian citizen if your grandfather was born there?
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If a child is born in Australia will they be an Australian citizen?

A child born in Australia will be a citizen if one of the parents is Australian or a permanent resident of Australia. If neither of the child's parents are Australian, the child will be a citizen on its 10th birthday if the child is living in Australia. Otherwise, no.

Do you need to be born in Australia to become an Australian prime minister?

One does not need to be born in Australia to become Prime Minister, but one does need to be an Australian citizen. Australia's first foreign-born Prime Minister was John 'Chris' Watson, who was born in Chile. George Reid was a Scotsman. Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia from 2010-2013, was born in Wales but became a naturalised Australian citizen in 1974.

Is Reg Mombassa an Australian citizen?

Yes, he was born in Auckland, New Zealand but became an Australian citizen several years ago.

What is an Australian citizen?

An Australian citizen is either someone who was born in Australia and lives here, or someone who has become a naturalised Australian, choosing to become an Australian citizen through a series of programmes and trainings. Australian citizens have the right to vote in federal, state and local elections. If an Australian citizen leaves the country and takes up citizenship in another country, he/she may choose to revoke his Australian citizenship. However, many may choose to retain their Australian citizenship as well as taking on citizenship in another country. Also, an Australian citizen can live and work in another country without taking up citizenship, and thereby remaining an Australian citizen whether or not he/she lives in his/her country of birth.

Can a child automatically be a US citizen if they are born to a parent who is a US citizen because their parent was a US citizen?

It depends- if the father and grandfather have lived in the U.S., then yes the child would be a citizen. However, if the father has lived most iof his life outside the U.S., then it is highly unlikely that the child would be considered a U.S. citizen- even though his father and grandfather were U.S. citizens. Example: Grandfather was born and raised in the U.S. [GRANDFATHER IS A US CITIZEN] Grandfather moves to France at age 20. Grandfather marries a French lady and has a son [SON IS CONSIDERED TO BE A US CITIZEN] Son has lived his entire life and at age 20, the son marries a local French lady. Son's wife gives birth to a girl [THE GIRL IS NOT A US CITIZEN]. This is true even though her grandfather and father were U.S. citizens.

How do you become a native citizen?

It's the place you were born. If you were born in USA you are a native American citizen. ---- You don't become a native citizen. Either you are or you aren't, as noted above. To become a naturalized citizen is another story.

Who can not become a Canadian Citizen?

if they are not born in canada or if there parents are not citizen

Who can become a Canadian citizen?

if they are not born in Canada or if there parents are not citizen

Born in Australia but live in UK still an Australian citizen?

Yes you are.

Where is Geoff Lawton from?

Geoff Lawton is an Australian citizen who was born in England.

Do a person have to be a born citizen to run for congress?

No they do not have to be born a US Citizen. They can become a citizen through the naturalization process.

If a person is not born in theUS how do they become a citizen?

They take the citizenship test and they have to pass to become a citizen